
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Taking over the blog!

It's been a while since I posted anything here, so Im gonna Miss up the place. Jacobs the place. I present to you MissJacobs interview with ubetoo: Miss Jacobs - Your Favourite interview

Miss Jacobs takes it all!

Miss Jacobs first album review is here! "Your Favourite" turned out to be their favourite as well! Read it and love it guys:

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

TeAm PhoTos

                                                                             Portrets of: Preben Loctu, Bendik Holm, Alex Jellum, Roy Olsen og Lars Hol

Super fun Project.. still some photos left to do to complete the Team. Taken with a Mamyia in studio

Monday, October 25, 2010

Miss Jacobs - Shitty Day

Got to love this version of the song with trumpet, voilin and sax.

Unofficially, skanks and pranks presents: seasonsneakstart in hemsedal kiddyslope

Bananasplit with mountains to backroll ass-slam

Wannabe nosegrab fly high to nerdy seal slide

But, we had sooooo much fun....
Days like this reminds us why we live in the pretty pretty valley

Friday, October 22, 2010

Release Party = greate success

Miss Jacobs Rocked hard last night! the pub was
 packed with the bestest of people, an the energi 
on top all night! A lot of hard work paid off. 
got to love MJ!!! 

screenshot from my greate classmate Annette blog. 

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The game is on...

Jepp, då var det dax i igen. Før hundrefemtioelfte gången; planerne før vinterns tricks!
Denna gång var det några tærningskast som satte ribban. Två av tre skal klaras på valfritt hopp.
Så Mari å Anki, hoppas ni e klara før protokollføring i backen. The pressure is high...

And by the way....I'm not a virgin anymore....

Saturday, October 16, 2010

miss jacobs goes all the way

Next thursday your concert of choice will be the album-releaseparty of the extraordinary intellegent, talented, psycho and beautiful skank and prankster Miss Jacobs, at Soria Moria, Oslo. And ofcourse, she won't be washing her mouth before. Instead, she will be performing the catchy music that will be doing laps on your ipod for months and months to come. you'll be nobody not to be there.

21st of october 8 o clock at soria moria, big cheezy O-town.