
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


My new FAVorite place on earth!! 10 min walk up the woods from my house in Hemsedal.  My GoodGood friend Felix and me. Running to celebrate life!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Faen Hell

 Its not everyday I like shity weather 6 o´clock in the morning. But.... here some promo pictures I did for Faen Hell. check him out!!!ør/

Monday, December 20, 2010

These could be your tits

Skanks and Pranks lived it up in Hemsedal on Martina Grufstedt Paulssons birthday this weekend. We aint got no snow and its 20 below but we can still boogie til the morning light. Party OWNED.

Fun and games aside, I would like to discuss some serious matters. Anki got digitalcamera-raped. This is a phonomenon we, personally, thought was left behind somewhere in the 00-ies, but these pranksters took it back and stepped it up.

Sooooo, don´t be shy now girls, you're among friends. WHO'S THE TITTIES?

merry christmas

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

So Norwegian!

I found today.. not more than 2 minutes from my doorstep.. Winter paradise!