
Thursday, December 1, 2011


this kind of shitty rainy sunday we suddenly decided to open team uganda snowboard park, hemsedal, for the 2011/12 season. contains heavy wind, icy grass, a puppy and an ATW.

a skanks and pranks production. we don't mess around.

pre season TEAM UGANDA PARK (raggar-edit) from Mari Söderholm on Vimeo.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

PreSeason F u n 2 0 1 1

Johan Lund going big on small

Calle prob got the answer to whats so fuckin funny, let us see the pic!!

Ice princess Øydis. Shining when the wether is grey! 
Best day ever being first on snow this season for me!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Moonlight Drive

On my way driving 6 hours to visit Kristin and to pick up some prints. Struck back by this insane moonlight. A mix between mist and  beautiful lit mountain tops all most got me driving of the road!  Pictures taken in Fjærland.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Nicaragua - a lot of Skanks with Pranks

Road block cus of rain broke the roads. In this pic. Lio, Jennie; Øydis and a tag along. Happy day! 

In some weird way, five of us manage to get that plane ticket and we went to Central America. There our lovely Benny waited with a whole lot of fun planned. The next 3 weeks we found ourselves on a bus to El Salavador and back, surfin, walkin on vulcanos and whatnot. yeay. We have had a fight with a storm. I have enjoyed some rain. We´ve all hugged and played with the Sun, Water, Sand and Strangers - now Friends.

I have lots of fun pictures, some day I´ll post a good story. Cus its a good story! Thanks Benny. Ill be back!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The land of the free!

Well Belize claim the title "Land of the free" in their national anthem, butt(yes two t's on purpose) in Norway we walk around the mountains like this! Gots to love this country.

Friday, October 7, 2011


Self portrait. Hiking alone in the mnt def give you time to think, feels good..
..but.... I def prefer hiking with crew. So tomo Mari!!!

 And then it will be more beautiful and POWErful, cus the mnt tops are covered with the first real snowfall. Much love!

Saturday, September 24, 2011


 Daisy Lowe, what we all want to look like when we dance around alone in front of the mirror.

Daisy Lowe for UK esquire HD from Greg Williams on Vimeo.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


David Underland have been kind to build us this wonderful new playground. Looking forward to a winter with no boredom at all!! My only worry is that it will be to popular.. Job well done!

And yea.. it located in this super  s w e e t  little old barn down town. Tourist destination no.1

Mr Reidar sitting there
Reidar Øren doing it
 they are totally into their next run
Bill Amerika on a short visit from Flom


Natten gjemmer et lyssky insekt, i sprekker og lignende f.eks på badet el vaskerom. Små,flate dråpeformede insekt, opptrer på disse varme fuktige steder da lyset kommer på. Blanding av mark og bille? Lar seg knapt fange, den "ser deg". Var skremt i starten av vårt samboerforhold, men en og annen "silverfisk/sølvfisk" ble nesten som et slags kjeledyr/husdyr, da udyret hadde et fint navn og bodde på badet.
Koser seg med alt fra muggsopp, papir,smuler og andre insekt til en god shot (?). Men siden de ikke, heldigvis, kan klatre opp glatte, loddrette flater - fikk jeg meg en skikkelig god shot av nettopp sølvkre. Her blir ingenting, heretter, ståede i esken sin, me papir. I et ryddesjau pakket jeg ut mellom 4 og ti mer og mindre levende sølvfisk, i et lite glass.
Sorry fisken gikk rett i do, ikke bilde-bevis på denne fiskehistorien heller. Hadde ei bøtte full av levende fisk :) men da er det me dem, som me andre ting i store mengder -ikke bra!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Reidar Øren

when I'm on the go, its go. Looking through (the way to many) pictures i´ve taken last year, but haven´t had the time to play with. first out is Reidar. victim?? 

nice easter hike at Hemsedalfjellet. 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Heis ghjeis gjis is !!

My hiking buddy for a week and a helping hand
fisherman, Ironman 2012 and missing at 2134..

"let´s walk"


Fonna in May from Paul Lockhart on Vimeo.

A great edit staring Hallingdal crazy crew by Paul Lockhart,

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Never a dull day in the USA

Roadtrip USA 2011. How can I sum this up?

Colorado National Monument

Lonely roads into beautiful nothingness

Sunset in Arches National Park, Moab, Utah
Kevin enjoying the view
Walking the Strip, Las Vegas, Nevada
Do like the locals, shoot cans in the desert. Pahrump, Nevada.
Touching the handprints of my heroes, Hollywood.
Being a tree hugger in the Red Wood Forest
My favorite bar in the whole world, Side Street, Portland, Oregon. Also, some of my favorite people!
Awesome friends
And love

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Don't fear, I am going to be death fat serious about this tattoo-thing. No dirty fingers. This was my very first try, and I loved it. A tattoo-fox is teaching me the ropes, thanks Roger, you're ace. And thanks Reidar for letting me try the colour/shade tech on you. Biggest Lovebomb.

3 lines makes the coolest shape on earth


The word is true, we do have a we little summer in Norway too.

 Mountainlakebody 2011

 Dogs and Dawgs

Dining out


 ...and skateboarding

Monday, July 18, 2011

There were no time for Photos!!

My time at Bilder Nordic School of Photography is over.. been crazy sexy cool!! 2 years... so fast. wooooosh

I celebrated! one week with nothing but fun!!!!  yea

Camp <3 Fonna

M´n´M. whats not Funny??


Silje Gustavsen
Jesus loves every child!!! 

E39 is the road to drive!! beauty all the way. wow



Øydis, restless.. :) why? :)

Yes, love life!