
Friday, March 30, 2012

So You Think Easter Bunny Is Busy? Easter Bunny Is NOT Busy

                                                                                                                                                                 Photo: Anki Grøthe

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Hiking The Nibbi Peak

Off we went to the mountain! But of course we left the ski-boots at home, so we had to go back and get them. Good thing we are two of a kind, and take turns on doing stuff like that :)Steep hills, heartrate 180, so good to really feel that we are alive!

Me and Siri feeling happy and lucky to be able to do this on a Thursday!The most important thing on a trip- the norwegian foodpack!

2 hours up, 2 minutes down. Totally worth it!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Skankin Norges beste fighter

Missin my skanks all the time! cant wait to see all of you soon again!
I know what you should watch monday 21.30 at Viasat 4 :

Norges Beste Fighter episode2 promo from Knut Westad on Vimeo.

og om dere vil hjelpe meg (for norske telefoner) sms: nbf 12 til 26112, tjenesten er gratis og man kan stemme 5 ganger daglig, da kan jeg vinne ett treningsstipend på 75 000 kr.

and since i am a super "råsa" blogger you can check out my blogs for more updates:
Norges beste fighter bloggen
Caroline karlsen
