
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Car Portrait..

shoot and drive...



or drive to Hemsedal from Oslo on a friday. 3 hour trip is nice, but what happened. 6,5 hours later and the wine is in the glass, finally!


City girls need a break!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lucky one..som

This is one of my photos on this 24-hour project we did in school. Go check it!!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

My life is better than your vacation

Playing with my brand new Canon powershot G12

Surfing El Tunco, El Salvador

Name: Don Juan, Ronaldino or whatever you want it to be
Work: Picking up girls on the beach


One of many friends on the beach, Las Penitas, Nicaragua

Cant travel without my stones and threads..

My jewelry will be available for purchase online anytime soon

With love..

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Dreamer

Portrait from Workshop with Stephanie Sinclair.  Her work makes a difference!

In Norway..

..we are born with skis on our feet. For using  these skis we have the 10 commandments.

2. Meld fra hvor du går (let someone know where you're going)

3. Vis respekt for været og værmeldingene (respect the weather and weather forecast)

4. Vær rustet mot uvær og kulde, selv på korte turer. Ta alltid med ryggsekk og det utstyret fjellet krever (be prepared for storm, cold, any bad weather. also on short hikes)

7. Gå ikke alene (don´t walk alone)

8. Vend i tide, det er ingen skam å snu (turn before it´s to late, and don´t be ashamed) 

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Life is a sick, crazy and most of all fantastic trip. Travel safely. Can´t wait.. Soon, west cost will shake.

selvhjelpsbok og te med honning

"Oavsett om du drömmer om att slippa heltidsjobbet, att resa jorden runt i lyx, tjäna femsiffriga belopp varje månad med minimal arbetsinsats eller bara få leva mer och jobba mindre, så talar 4 timmars arbetsvecka om hur du ska göra"

må jo bare väre for godt til å väre sant. men på vegne av skanksa så leser jeg denne selvhjelpsboken for oss alle. samtidig drikker jeg litervis med te med honning og syns synd på meg selv fordi jeg er for syk til å trene.

savner skanksa
peace, morot and banana