
Thursday, April 21, 2011


Skanks! I know I'm bombarding You with posts these days but it's only because I just recently could be fucked to clean up the picturefolder on my phone.

No reason really to pretend these are good photos when you have a fellow blogger like Anki Grothe aka Soundeffect. But I lurke around behind the scenes when we party, or do photoshoots, and actually, sometimes I'm lucky enough to catch something fun.

 What happens in the pretty much this:
We pee and we drink booze from our handbags.

From right to left (-correction, I obviously don't know
left and right, its supposed to be the opposite-) : Stylist,
Diva, Photographer, Untitled-  but with lots of opinions.

Fabolous picnic mashed up with some
circusmoves, roof of the Operahouse, Oslo

Photoshoot with Rabbit. 
Photos will hopefully be up soon. 
(Anki post them!!!)

1 comment:

  1. haaah jag insåg precis att jag hade mixat upp höger och vänster i texten.. sorry har inte helt lärt mig det där.. öydis, det var inte du som var untitled alltså.. höger är den jag skriver med, right? or the other right?
